10 Reasons Spring in Westchester is Heaven


Though the forecast calls for snow on the first few days of Spring in Westchester it won’t be long before the?flowers bloom and weather permits us to play outside. And when that time comes, some spots in Westchester feel like paradise.

Here are 10 reasons why Spring in Westchester is heaven:

1.) Because as soon as the ground thaws, ?Rockwood is the first place you head to for your long-awaited you-time with nature.

You’ve been waiting for months?to spoon with a tree.

2.) Because you can get?BOGO sundaes at Carvel, one of the early places to start buy-on-get-one sales, and decide whether to bring a friend with you.

3.) Riding?your bike in the middle of the Bronx River Parkway on Bike Sundays.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Courtesy:?Dean Meminger, NY1 News)

4.) Catching an outdoor meal while overlooking the Long Island Sound?at Seaside Johnnie‘s.


5.) Walking to the top of the Kensico Dam.

6.) Hitting up one of Westchester’s many farmers markets where you can find food, flowers, cheese and even pizza!


7.) Getting to see the cheerful?floral displays in towns and cities by local beatification organizations, like the White Plains Beautification?Foundation.

8.) Visiting one of Westchester’s nature centers, parks and farms.




9.) Being grateful that you can hang out at a hip beer garden without having to?travel all the way to Brooklyn or Queens. Bridge View Tavern in Sleepy Hollow is hoping to open their new outdoor beer garden in the spring or summer (according to Facebook!).


Doubleday’s in Dobbs Ferry will open theirs sometime in April.

10.) Sitting on a bench and eating food from Walter’s Hot Dog Stand. Speaking of Walter’s, we need to alert you of?the following urgent message:


Happy Spring Westchester!!!







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