The Ritz-Carlton in White Plains Just Birthed Season 7 of The Wendy Williams Show

The future of Season 7 of The Wendy Williams Show was born Thursday, Aug. 27 at the Ritz-Carlton Westchester?in White Plains. The talk show diva held her staff retreat at?the posh hotel, where she posted pictures on Facebook of their yummy breakfast.

Williams reported that her staff was hard at work coming up with “hot topics” and planning Season 7 of her show.

Ritz-Carlton Westchester?posted a comment on one of Williams’ Facebook pictures, saying:

“It is a pleasure to have your wonderful staff with us for breakfast at The Ritz-Carlton, Westchester! Please let us know how we can be of further assistance. Enjoy!”

The staff also enjoyed cocktails and a lovely dinner.

A photo posted by Wendy Williams (@wendyshow) on