Oil Ladi Dina Fleischman

Dina Fleischman is the founder and owner of Oil Ladi, an importer, wholesaler and retailer of extra virgin olive oil from Greece.?Dina was born in Greece and grew up in Brooklyn, coming to the states with her family when she was a child.

She has 25?years of experience in commercial banking, having worked as a credit analyst, underwriter and lending officer to importers and manufacturers in a number of industries.? In 2014, Dina combined her knowledge of importing and finance with her heritage and started Oil Ladi.? She is honored to be part of the YWCA Turn Up the Heat event.


Glad to see you here, we are excited to launch our online store and hope you will come back and visit often. In future posts, and throughout the website, we’ll be talking a little more about our extra virgin olive oil, (EVOO for short), the origins of the oil, the producers and the part of Greece where the oil is produced.


Dina’s words of wisdom:

Dina wanted to be a part of the YWCA White Plains & Central Westchester’s Turn Up the Heat fundraiser because: “This is something very close to my heart. Negativity against women stems from so many things from how women are perceived in the work place, even still after all these years. When I?started long ago, some of the stuff I endured and went through was astounding to look back, you’d think it was 100 years ago. It became more stark for me as I understood that it was even worse for women of close when they navigate the workplace. I think it’s important and key to a society’s success to empower women.”

“It’s very important for me to stay focused on the original plan I had in mind to set out. You’re going to get diverted along the way, but keep true to your original plan. Also be flexible along the way and learn new things. Have a good business plan and a good sense of what it is you want to achieve in the longer term and short term is very important.”

“My favorite thing about my job is I love people. I love dealing with people and connecting with people who are ultimately using the product. I’m out there three or four days a week doing demos and tastings and speaking directly to the consumers. The best part is knowing that it all harkens back to the olives back home my father’s been cultivating all those years. It’s a really nice feeling.”

(Click below to buy your tickets)
