Forum on Paid Family Leave; Curious? Text Your Sexual Health Questions to a Pro


Here’s what’s happening?Today in the 914, according to Westchester Woman:

1.) While U.S. employers must?offer?women?12 weeks off when they have a child, they aren’t required to pay them since we are?one of the few industrialized nations that doesn’t require?employers to offer paid family leave.

Women’s Enterprise Development Center?is hosting a forum on paid family leave sponsored by Assemblywoman Sandy Galef on Thursday, March 24 from 7 to 7 p.m. at 1 Van Wyck St. in Croton-on-Hudson. Registration is not required.


2.) Are you curious? Well, there’s no need to Google your questions about sexual health, then make your conclusions. You can get an answer from a professional just by shooting them a text.

Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley has a #ICYC (in case you’re curious) sexual health textline where you can receive an answer from a health educator within 24 hours. The service is free and confidential.

Here’s how it works:


3.)?Today’s headlines: