Compassion Experience Simulates Life in Third World Countries; End Negative Self-Talk at Free Event



Here’s what’s happening Today in the 914, according to Westchester Woman:

1.) The Compassion Experience is coming to Yorktown. ?You’ve see the commercials of starving children overseas, and you feel for them. Maybe you’ll even sent them a donation. But have you ever wondered what it’s really like to live in poverty on a daily basis in a developing country like Philippines, Kenya, Uganda or the Dominican Republic?

The Compassion Experience?will allow visitors to experience this in an interactive exhibit that allows visitors to step inside a simulated home, market and school. The exhibit is set to a narrative told by a child living in those circumstances and shows how they go from a life of poverty to a life of hope.

The Compassion Experience is run by the Christian organization Compassion International and does show how faith affects the lives of each of the childrens true stories, as it made a significant impact on their ability to escape poverty. However, people of all faiths are welcome.

“We want all our guests to feel comfortable and welcome because its our goal to increase awareness in each community about the realities of extreme poverty and the difference we all have the opportunity to make,” their website says.

You can check out the Compassion Experience in Yorktown Heights?at the Jefferson Valley Mall Friday, June 17 through Tuesday, June 21 from noon to 7:40 p.m. Get more details at?


2.) Negative selk-talk can be the one thing standing in between you and your dream goals. F3N3 Wellness will help you overcome such obstacles with their FREE Meditation Basics and Shame Resilience workshop to turn negative self-talk into self love.
Here’s are the details:
Address: 241 Harrison Street, Harrison, NY
WHEN:?JUNE 4th, 2016
SPACE LIMITED (almost filled)
MUST RSVP:?914-630-4594
Register through Friday online here.


3. Today’s headlines: