Westchester Woman is Beauty of the Month; Things Grown Women Don’t Give a Crap About


Here’s what’s happening?Today in the 914, according to Westchester Woman:

1.) Have you heard about how amazing the What Makes You Feel Beautiful project is? The project, by photographer Monica Marrow, explores inner beauty and what really makes a woman feel beautiful since 1998.

Not only does the project celebrate a diverse group of women who shine brightly, but also puts true beauty (which is on the inside!) on pedestal. The process of being photographed, pampered and made to feel like a queen, as well as answering the series of questions Marrow poses, can be transformative for a woman to answer.

Here’s Marrow talking about her project:

Westchester Woman Editor-in-Chief is grateful to have been chosen as What Makes You Feel Beautiful‘s June’s Beauty of the Month.?Here’s a sneak peek of her magazine cover. We can’t wait for you to see her entire spread!

In the meantime, check out May’s Beauty of the Month, Rachel, here?. What Makes You Feel Beautiful is hosting a fundraising for their project, so make sure you buy a ticket to the Victorian Social Affair and?support this fantastic project.

What Makes You Feel Beautiful


2.) Sometimes you just have to say, “IDGAF.” And we’ve found this comes a lot more often as we age.?The Bolde just put it so perfectly. Fashion rules… get out of here with that!

Here are 13 things grown ass women stop giving a crap about:

13 Fucks You Stop Giving When You’re A Grown Woman

At some point, you reach an age where you can’t possibly, even if you tried, give any less of a fuck. You’re done with worrying about what others think, adhering to stupid-ass rules prescribed by stupid ass-people, and you realize who you want in your inner circle and who you want banished forever and ever.


Fashion rules… get out of here with that!


3.)?Today’s headlines: