Bundle Up, It’s Winter Yo; Zuckerberg Shuts Down Sexist Grandma’s Comment; Was 2015 the Year of the Breast?

Here’s what’s happening today, Jan. 5 in the 914, according to Westchester Woman:

1.) Remember winter? It’s still here! You might have forgotten about it since it was around 70 degrees on Christmas in Westchester, but the frigid weather is back.?Temperatures?will have?lows in the single digits. Here is everything you need to know about the weather:

2.)?It’s 2016, we don’t tell girls they should aim to marry rich or successful men.?Women and girls are more than capable of providing for themselves, and can be rich and successful on their own without the help of a man.

We know this. Facebook CEO and Westchester native Mark Zuckerberg knows this. Yet, one grandma hadn’t quite gotten the memo yet when Zuckerberg brought it to her attention.

When Zuckerberg shared his plans to create an artificial intelligence system (think J.A.R.V.I.S., Tony Stark’s AI system in the Iron Man movies) to help him out at work and home in a post on Sunday, Darlene Hackemer Loretto commented:

I keep telling my grand daughters to date the nerd in school, he may turn out to be a Mark Zuckerberg! Thanks for FB, I’ve reconnected with family and many old friends and classmates.”

To which Zuckerberg responded:

“Even better would be to encourage them to *be* the nerd in their school so they can be the next successful inventor!”

Thanks grandma, but we got this!

3.)?Did 2015 change the way society looks at breasts? Attn.com thinks so and has declared 2015 “the Year of the Breast.”

Some of the accomplishments that tried to change how people view women’s breasts in an over-sexualized?manner, include: how?the?#FreetheNipple movement gained lots of leverage, especially when Twitter took down a photo of a breast and re-posted it after it was discovered to be a man’s breast; and when women around the world, including celebrities, began posting?photos on social media to help normalize breast feeding.

Read the full story in attn.com here.

3.) Today’s headlines:

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