Send NY Girl Who Was Disfigured, Lost Family in Fire a Christmas Card

It’s been more than two years since?Sa’fyre Terry was disfigured by an arson fire that claimed the lives of her father and three sibilings in Schnectady, NY. Inspired by her story, people from all around the world are trying to fulfill the now 8-year-old’s Christmas wish: to get a Christmas card from you.

The girl’s aunt Liz Dolder, who has custody of Sa’fyre, told ABC News that she put her niece’s request on Facebook and since then the cards have been coming none stop. BuzzFeed picked it up and Sa’fyre will even get a card from celebrities like Hulk Hogan this year.



ABC News reports that Sa’fyre, who was in and out of foster homes as a child, was found next to her father who used his body to shield her from the flames. Dolder said it took Sa’fyre 10 months to recover and that the 8-year-old’s positive attitude in overcoming adversity is responsible for helping her to get over the 18-year-old daughter she lost about five?years ago.

Shes a living message to people that theres hope, and no matter what you can get through anything, Dolder said, according to ABC News. Thats why we share Sa’fyre with everyone.

Sa’fyre reportedly loves to dress up, feel pretty, wants to be a pop star and is the most popular girl at school. WNYT NewsChannel 13 snapped a shot of Sa’Fyre at the post office. Check it out below and watch their video here.

You can send?Sa’fyre a Christmas card to?this address:

Sa’fyre Terry -?P.O. Box 6126?Schenectady, NY 12306


If you can’t send Sa’fyre a card leave your comments below and we’ll send it with out card on Dec. 20.