Happy Womens Health & Fitness Day; UN to Achieve Gender Equality By 2030; Rain Through Sunday – Today, Sept. 30 in the 914

Women's Fitness Day
Credit: Chance Agrella via Freerange Stock
Here are a few things you need to know today in the 914:
1.)?Happy National Womens Health & Fitness Day! Shout out to all the Westchester institutions helping to keep Westchester women healthy and happy. Wheres your favorite place in Westchester to get your fitness on?
2.) The United Nations has set a goal to achieve gender equality by 2030 by improving access to education, eliminate gender-based violence and child marriage. It is the fifth goal on their list of initiatives to end extreme poverty by the same year.
Click here to read more about the UN’s efforts.
3.) Falling asleep to last night’s heavy rains was amazingly cozy. Waking up to it and getting yourself to work in the rain… not so much! You might as well get used to it because Westchester is in for rain, rain and more rain over the next few days. The National Weather Service is currently predicting rain through the weekend.?
Heavy rain could turn to flash flooding at times. The NWS has issued a hazardous weather outlook. The Journal News is reporting that Tropical Storm Joaquin in heading our way and may aggravate the weather further. Get the details here. If your power goes out, you can notify Con Edison here.
4.) Here are today’s top headlines: