How To Love Yourself, The Gospel According To Lizzo

Hail Queen Lizzo
If you don’t know who Lizzo is, in the words of Kevin Hart: you gon’ learn today.  And you’ll be very grateful that you did.
Queen Lizzo
Queen Lizzo
Lizzo is not just a rapper. She’s not just an artist that delivers banger after banger after banger after banger (her single “Truth Hurts” just hit number one on Billboard magazine’s Hot 100 record chart). She’s not just a style icon.
Queen Lizzo
Don’t get me wrong. Lizzo is definitely all of those things. But also something far more important to these times.
Queen Lizzo
Lizzo is a being ( a goddess, an angel, a prophet… you decide) sent from above to inspire us all to love ourselves. Her lyrics proclaim her worth and in turn, help us to claim ours. She is truly divine.
Queen Lizzo

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Queen Lizzo
Thanks to Lizzo we can all be “100 % percent that bitch,” demand that he “worship me,” and allow ourselves to feel “good as hell.”
Queen Lizzo
No matter who we are, what we look like, or what society or others tell us.
Queen Lizzo
Lizzo has shown women and people in general everywhere how to claim their power and worth, while celebrating themselves. And being at a Lizzo show is a truly spiritual experience.
Queen Lizzo

She calls it “church with twerk.”

Not only do you get to see this queen soulfully sing her songs in her iconic costumes while her bootylicious dancers shake their gorgeous asses all over the stage, but you also get a “love yourself” pep talk that will stay with you long after the show.

Watch this and try and tell me you don’t feel like a champion after watching it:

The energy this woman contains and puts into her performances is like nothing else I’ve ever seen before.

It’s fucking impressive. I go hard at shows with my dancing and I couldn’t keep up at her show at Brooklyn Steel.

I did, however, find myself clutching my buddy and weeping happy tears at the beauty that was in front of me throughout most of the show. I’m a crier though. You might be able to spot me in the video below ugly crying:
Queen Lizzo

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The crowd goes absolutely wild for her. I’ve never heard a whole crowd howl and cheer the way they do when Lizzo takes the stage. It’s truly incredible. Besides coming up with some of the sickest girl power lines of all time (“I don’t need a crown to know that I’m a queen,” and let’s not forget, “Thick thighs save lives”), Lizzo’s message of self-love is exactly what we all need right now.
Queen Lizzo
So many of us, especially women, get down on ourselves to be, look, feel, and act perfect.
Queen Lizzo
But humans are not perfect and we often fall short. That’s where the self-loathing begins. And if it didn’t start there, it started before we were born if it’s embedded in our DNA and familial patterns.
But, as the gospel of Saint Lizzo tells us: “You deserve to feel good as hell. We all deserve to feel good as hell.”

And we can all feel good as hell and learn to love ourselves. But Lizzo doesn’t pretend that self-love is easy. You’ll see her real talk and shed some tears on Insta. And when she isn’t feeling great, she just embraces it and does something about it. Like taking naked photos of herself.

Lizzo believes that the world can change when people start to love themselves. And so do I.

Rumor has it that loving ourselves helps us to love others better too. Imagine a world where people are happy and love themselves. So, much so that they love and respect their neighbors too! That’s the world I want to live in.

“I want you to go home tonight and look in the mirror and say: “I love you you are beautiful and you can do anything,” she said during one of her pep talks. “I really want you to say that because I believe that we can save the world if we save ourselves first.”

OK, so how do we learn to love ourselves? Not sure I’m qualified to answer that, but here’s what I’m doing to learn and maintain self-love.

1) LISTEN TO LIZZO! Music is sacred and can uplift and motivate us while giving us a dose of that bad bitch confidence we need when we need it.
These are my top five I love myself  Lizzo jams:
2) Recite Affirmations – I feel like doing affirmations really does help to rewire your brain for self-love. It’s important to do them consistently so they sink in. You can find 77 affirmations to choose from here or come up with your own.
Queen Lizzo
3) Give Yourself Credit When You Do Good – Life can be demanding for us and sometimes feels like we’re running a marathon. Living that way makes it hard to celebrate and acknowledge our accomplishments. Slowing down to do this helps us remember how freaking awesome, hardworking, and loving we really are. recommends keeping a list of your accomplishments which I think is cool.
Queen Lizzo
4) Forgive Yourself When You Don’t – Sometimes we fuck up. And when we fuck up, it’s OK. We are human. Humans are not perfect and they fuck up. It’s important to acknowledge your mistakes and where you went wrong so that you can try not to make the same mistakes again. But it’s even more important to be gentle with yourself when you fuck up so you don’t fall into a wretched shame spiral of self-loathing.
Queen Lizzo
And sometimes we talk shit to ourselves even when we didn’t even fuck up. Try catching those thoughts in your brain so you can remind yourself that they aren’t true when they pop up.
Queen Lizzo
5) Take Care of Yourself – Sometimes taking care of yourself is treating yourself to a plate of cheese fries and pizza. But it can also mean cutting out junk food that makes you feel shitty and making sure you get enough exercise and water because those are the things that make us feel good in the long term. You have to have a healthy balance.
Queen Lizzo
I think self-care also includes making sure you have fun, saying no to things you don’t like or want to do, and making time for doing things that you love even if it’s not on your To-Do list. Oh, and naps. Definitely being OK with taking a nap when you really need one.
Queen Lizzo
Queen Lizzo
Here are some other self-love resources:
And if someone (including yourself) tells you that you’re not the baddest bitch, tell them “YOU LIE!”
Queen Lizzo
  <— me checking myself