NY Mets Lose World Series to Royals; Cuomo Signs Women’s Equality Agenda Into Law; Election Day Facts

1.) Beware of angry/sad New York sports fans today who are lamenting the New York Mets’ losing of?the World Series to the Kansas City Royals.

2.) Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently signed the Women’s Equality Agenda into law that includes measures to help women achieve equal pay, bolster human trafficking laws, strengthen protections for domestic violence victims and end pregnancy and other types of discrimination of women in the workplace.

The measure also includes the rehabilitation of a former correctional facility to house a women’s center, called The Women’s Building,?where organizations can work together to uplift women.

We now have the legal power to stop this heinous crime and put evil predators out of business,” said Assemblywoman Amy Paulin. “We can finally bring young victims of human trafficking out of the shadows and give them back a life filled with dignity and promise.?”

Get all of the details on these legislative initiatives here?and watch the video below:

According to Pamela Shifman, executive director of the NoVo Foundation, who will oversee the Women’s Building, one in three women around the world will be raped, beaten or abused in her lifetime.

“We owe it to women and girls of New York and far beyond to end the disparities that hold us?back,” said Shifman.

3.) Today’s headlines:


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