Greenburgh Police Search for 17-Year-Old; Social Media Destroys the Lives of Teenage Girls

Here’s what’s happening?Today in the 914, according to Westchester Woman:

1.) Greenburgh Police are searching for 17-year-old Tatiana Wilamo who has been missing since Saturday morning. Wilamo is 5′ 9” and 135 pound, she may be suicidal and?in need of medical attention. Read more in


2.)?Nancy Jo Sales has been studying the lives of teenagers since the 1990s, and she says that the level of sexual harassment girls face because of social media and technology is out of control.?Sexting rings, slut pages, nude photo sharing and intense bullying?teens are using social media 24-7 in ways their parents don’t even know about.

Click below to read more about Sales’ new book, American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers ?in the New York Post.


You can check out Safe, Smart & Social at for information on how teens are using social media and for tips on how to?help your teen use it responsibly and safely.

3.)?Today’s headlines: